In Case You Missed It!

In Case You Missed It!

NDCS Social Media Posts

National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15, recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture and achievements of the United States. The Tecumseh State Correctional Institution held an event last week featuring traditional food, music, decorations, and guest speakers.

Click here to watch the full presentation! Read more

As part of TRANSFORM Nebraska, NDCS has adopted the 5-Key Model for Reentry and Well-being Development. This model provides a variety of rehabilitative services divided into five different keys:

Positive Relationships Positive Social Engagement Meaningful Work Trajectories Effective Coping Strategies Healthy Thinking Patterns

Each category focuses on specific needs through a variety of programs. The model encourages individuals to be proactive in choosing how they focus their personal development before reentering their community. #TRANSFORMNebraska #programs #reentry

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NDCS safety specialists and other teammates attended a three-day Incident Command System (ICS) for Expanding Incidents course at the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

During this three-day course through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), participants gained valuable skills to take the lead during large, complex incidents or events.

Equipping our people with this training is a key of the NDCS #StrategicPlan goal to enhance the safety of our facilities. #People

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The Nebraska Consortium for Postsecondary Education in Prison is a collaborative group dedicated to moving post-secondary education opportunities forward to incarcerated individuals across the state of Nebraska. This group includes institutions of higher education, state agencies, representatives from reentry, career services and adult education.

This month, they convened at Ooh de Lally. Located in Omaha, Ooh de Lally serves and supports those who are impacted by the justice system and facilitates successful transitions back into our community by creating opportunities in the food service industry for formerly...Read more

Last week, instructors from Complete Tactical Consultants, alongside NDCS master instructors, certified another cohort of internal instructors in the Tactical Athlete Program (T.A.P.). This comprehensive and holistic training system focuses on stress management, wellness and developing tactical skills that reduce the use of force.

Beginning next month, T.A.P. will be incorporated into pre-service and annual inservice training for NDCS team members. Our greatest resources are the NDCS team members who have committed to serve the public and keep people safe. Investing in their development and wellness is essential for...Read more

The peer facilitators at the Nebraska State Penitentiary have excelled at teaching the 5-Keys program to other incarcerated individuals. These men spend several hours each week digging into the next lessons and preparing material for their peers.They get the class actively engaged and talk about better ways to solve issues while incarcerated.

The 5-Key Model for Re-entry and Well-Being Developed is focused on supporting incarcerated individuals as they build meaningful work trajectories, positive relationships, effective coping skills, healthy thinking patterns and positive social engagement. #Rehabilitation #Programming...Read more

The work of NDCS is identified by four separate, but overlapping, categories: People, Programs, Policies and Physical Plant. Known as the “4 Ps,” they provide the framework for our strategic planning efforts.

A program-rich environment provides the space for individuals to make the necessary changes for successful reentry and helps us keep people safe.. #Programs #StrategicPlanning #Reentry #TransformNebraskaRead more

Last Friday at the Omaha Correctional Center, the first cohort of 15 men graduated from the Nurturing Fathers program. This 12-week course, facilitated by Christian Heritage, focuses on learning positive discipline tools, effective family communication, conflict resolutions strategies and teamwork in family life!

#Programming #Rehabilitation #NurturingFathersRead more
