In Case You Missed It!

In Case You Missed It!

NDCS Social Media Posts

We’re thankful for our incredible team members who are committed to the mission to keep people safe. Today we’re giving a shoutout to several of our unsung heroes at facilities across NDCS. #PeopleRead more

Throwback to this month’s Reentry Summit, a day focused on expanding opportunities for post-release employment. We had a tremendous turnout of leaders from Nebraska state agencies, community organizations and businesses, ready to collaborate to #TRANSFORMNebraska. #Reentry2030 #MeaningfulWorkTrajectories

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The Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) is taking a significant step towards enhancing holistic well-being for the incarcerated population. Last week, dedicated NSP team members gathered to discuss the implementation of the 5-Key Model for Reentry and Well-Being.

By aligning the 5-Key Model with the operational realities of NSP, the team is poised to achieve remarkable results. The enthusiastic response from NSP team members underscores the Model's potential to transform correctional practices in NDCS.

The 5-Key Model provides a variety of rehabilitative services divided into five different keys:

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Investing in our people and their professional development is a key part of the NDCS strategic plan.

Today, the NDCS Communications team hit the road to offer headshots to team members at our three Omaha facilities. More than 100 team members took advantage of this opportunity! #people #professionalRead more

Southeast Community College has partnered with NDCS to expand higher education access to people incarcerated in five southeast Nebraska facilities/locations. Hear from members of our population on what this opportunity means to them. #TransformNebraska #education

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The Tecumseh State Correctional Institution hosted guest speaker Prison Fellowship Mission Ambassador Jermaine Wilson who spoke on his transformative journey from incarceration to becoming city commissioner of Leavenworth, Kansas. Thank you, Mr. Wilson, for bringing hope and inspiration as we work to TRANSFORM Nebraska.

#Rehabilitation #PrisonFellowshipAcademy #Reentry2030

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A group of men at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) spoke about their experience being a part of the Prison Fellowship Academy (PFA), an intensive 12-month faith-based program.

The Prison Fellowship Academy is on a mission to break the cycle of incarceration by providing a yearlong program that combines targeted curriculum, compassionate coaching, and a supportive community. Through this transformative journey, participants confront their criminal thinking and unhealthy behaviors, emerging as empowered change agents with renewed purpose. #Programming #MakeADifference #TRANSFORMNebraska

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Education is critical to rehabilitation and successful reentry. Providing educational materials opens many doors for growth and knowledge, which is why our facilities include a library for individuals to further their learning. #RehabilitativeServices #EducationRead more
