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NDCS Social Media Posts

The work of NDCS is identified by four separate, but overlapping, categories: People, Programs, Policies and Physical Plant. Known as the “4 Ps,” they provide the framework for our strategic planning efforts.

A program-rich environment provides the space for individuals to make the necessary changes for successful reentry and helps us keep people safe. #Programs #StrategicPlanning #Reentry #TransformNebraska

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Men at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution completed the Destination Dads program. Keeping relationships strong during incarceration is important to rehabilitation and successful reentry. In this program, fathers get tools they need to become more involved, responsible, and committed in the lives of their children. #Rehabilitation #ProgrammingRead more

We’re on a mission to TRANSFORM Nebraska, and we invite you to like - share - AND - follow our other social media accounts! #FollowUsFriday


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Men at Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) participated in the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) program, facilitated by the Mental Health Association (MHA). WRAP®, is a self-designed prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to get well, stay well and make their life the way they want it to be. #Rehabilitation #ProgrammingRead more

The mission of the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC) is “reintegrating people with safety and purpose,” and programming is a key part of this. Men at OCC participate in 7 Habits on the Inside, a program which focuses on being proactive, understanding the power of their choices and becoming positive role models for their families and friends.

The program is peer-led, giving individuals an opportunity to lead and teach based on their experiences. #Rehabilitation #PeerInfluence

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The vision of the Work Ethic Camp is “Empowering people to do better.” They embody this statement by helping incarcerated individuals develop new skills and strengthen old ones.

The Work Ethic Camp supplies the opportunity for individuals to put their knowledge and skills to use, see their strengths and develop their potential. #Reentry2030 #MeaningfulWorkTrajectorieRead more

Intentional Peer Support (IPS) is a way of thinking about and inviting transformative relationships. Individuals at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women recently completed IPS training, taught by volunteers from the Mental Health Association.

Peer support specialists make a positive difference throughout our facilities. Shoutout to the MHA volunteers and NDCS team members who promote, support and collaborate with peer support specialists to TRANSFORM Nebraska. #Rehabilitation #PeerSupport #ProgramsRead more

Today, we're sending a special shout-out to the remarkable Health Services teammates at our facilities, acknowledging their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts in their crucial work to rehabilitation! #MentalHealthAwareness #Gratitude #People

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