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NDCS Social Media Posts

Corporal (Cpl.) Luis Ovando-Sanchez is a dedicated and dependable teammate who works well with others—traits that help him be successful when training new staff at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI). He has a team mentality and is committed to supporting the safe operations of the facility.

Cpl. Ovando-Sanchez was awarded the TSCI March Employee of the Month by Warden Gable and Deputy Warden Busboom. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition! #MakeADifference #KeepPeopleSafeRead more

Accomplishing great things comes naturally when individuals tap into their strengths. And it's a practice this cohort of team members from facilities across NDCS plans to help spread throughout the department.

During the Gallup Global Strengths Coach course, this group spent a week together learning how to coach fellow NDCS teammates to achieve their potential by using their CliftonStrengths. They also collaborated virtually with other learners from across the country to master these skills.

These team members believe in the benefits of CliftonStrengths and have a passion for helping others and making a...Read more

Recruits in Class 222 traded in their uniforms for physical training attire and spent time last week learning a variety of defense skills. After training specialists demonstrated these, class members partnered up to practice and reinforce what they learned. Repetition is key to mastering these skills and these recruits were committed to thoroughly learning and ultimately passing their skills test.

This class is beginning their last full week of pre-service training. We know they’re eager to get to their facilities and posts! #MakeADifference #KeepPeopleSafeRead more

Several months of dedication culminated in an important achievement for this group of men at the Omaha Correctional Center. Today these individuals graduated from the Thinking for a Change (T4C) program, developed by the National Institute of Corrections.

T4C is designed to help participants develop social and problem-solving skills that will allow them to react to situations in positive ways. This high-level cognitive behavioral program utilizes role playing to address attitudes, behavior, family, friends and change criminogenic thinking. Throughout the class, these men practiced applying the skills they learned to real...Read more

We’re closing out February by celebrating two team members who were recognized as this month’s Community Corrections Center—Lincoln (CCC-L) MVPs.

A positive and professional caseworker, Almedina Bajric is highly involved in shaping the culture at CCC-L. President of the facility’s Employee Positive Impact Council, she is also a member of a process improvement team and serves on the CCC-L retention committee. Team members can tell that Bajric is committed to creating the best possible environment for everyone around her.

Corporal (Cpl.) Theresa McIntosh does a tremendous job as a field training officer for new...Read more

Class 222 is wrapping up week four of pre-service training and it’s safe to say this group is eager to make a difference at NDCS. In fact, this large class fills up two of our Staff Training Academy (STA) classrooms!

This week found recruits practicing new skills, interacting with subject-matter experts and studying for exams. They got a view of their new roles with on-the-job training and spent time learning valuable communication skills.

We’re grateful for all our NDCS team members who serve as guest instructors and help our recruits learn the ropes of the department. And a big shout out to our STA training...Read more

NDCS is fortunate to have an accomplished and widely respected medical director. This past weekend, Dr. Harbans Deol was recognized by his peers with the Correctional Healthcare Leadership Award.

The award is given by the Coalition of Correctional Health Authorities, which is part of the American Correctional Association.

Dr. Deol has been with the department since 2017. In addition to overseeing the medical and behavioral health divisions in NDCS, Dr. Deol has been central to the agency’s management of COVID. He has improved processes that have led to better medical decisions for incarcerated men and women and...Read more

Innovation. Determination. Hope.

These graduates of the RISE program have taken ownership of their future as they work to be positive contributors in their communities. In this intensive six-month program, the women prepared for each phase of reentry through character development, employment readiness and entrepreneurship.

As these women reenter the community, they will have helpful resources to lean on while building meaningful life trajectories. Learning alongside each other through this program, the graduates are ready and eager to provide peer support to one another as they work to make their goals a reality...Read more
