In Case You Missed It!

In Case You Missed It!

NDCS Social Media Posts

No matter what comes our way, the NDCS Honor Guard is here to support those in need.

This team represents the agency with dignity and pride.

We thank you for what you do.

PS: The last 10 seconds might make you smile. :)

Watch this video HERE .

#KeepPeopleSafe #NDCSWorkFamily #HonorGuard

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Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) Religious Coordinator Mike Carr started at NDCS in 2009 as a recreation specialist.

Since then, he promoted to unit case manager and now, religious coordinator.

Exactly 10 years later, his son, Ryan, began his own career at TSCI as a recreation specialist.

We just had to share this great picture of the two!

Welcome to the NDCS family!

#KeepPeopleSafeRead more

Teammates wished Inmate Accounting Supervisor Bruce Hunzeker well last week as he headed into retirement after 42 years of service to the state of Nebraska. “He was a great leader,” said Kara Martin, accountant and acting inmate accounting supervisor. “The extent of knowledge he took with him will be missed. When we had policy questions, he was who we turned to. He had great integrity and held others to that same standard.”Read more

Congratulations to these men who graduated from Thinking for a Change (T4C) program at the Nebraska State Penitentiary. Thinking for a Change is a high-level cognitive behavioral program developed by the National Institute of Corrections. The program uses role playing to concentrate on changing the criminogenic thinking of offenders and addresses attitudes, behavior, family, friends and aggression.

Thank you to T4C instructors, Unit Case Manager Matthew Rathje and Librarian Tom Pfeifer for being committed to doing quality work and keeping people safe. #KeepPeopleSafe #NDCSProgramming

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Congratulations to class 120 on your recent graduation! Welcome to the NDCS family! #KeepPeopleSafe #PreServiceGraduationRead more

The American Legion Auxiliary Department of Nebraska featured a story in their newsletter about the partnership, installation of a new flagpole and first flag raising at the Nebraska State Penitentiary. Read more about it on page 9 in Words from the President:

The Nebraska Legionnaire The American Legion Auxiliary Department of Nebraska January - February 2020


Happy New Year to everyone. Time to come out of our turkey...Read more

Men at the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC) build a variety of quality furniture for companies, state offices, schools and more through Cornhusker State Industries (CSI). CSI operates shops in five NDCS institutions using regular business methods to produce, deliver and sell products to eligible customers. The men learn critical job skills as well as invaluable soft skills while gaining experience and self-confidence that will help them be successful upon reentry into the community.Read more

When another teammate called to Corporal Tracey Malousek for assistance during a medical emergency at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW), he knew what was expected of him at work. He responded calmly and without hesitation. A woman began choking in the dining hall and needed their help. “I felt confident in being able to perform the Heimlich maneuver due to the many years of training I have received at NDCS.”

Malousek was able to dislodge the obstruction. He said he felt a sense of accomplishment and purpose in helping someone. “I didn’t really have to think about what I needed to do. It just kind of came...Read more
