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NDCS Social Media Posts

Second Chance Pups is a program at the Nebraska State Penitentiary where dogs from local shelters and rescues are carefully matched with incarcerated individuals. These men prepare the dogs to be adoption ready by training them in basic obedience, while providing human socialization and interaction with other dogs. #SecondChancePups #People

Programs such as Second Chance Pups are pivotal to an individual’s rehabilitation and successful reentry to their communities.

Adopt a pup today:...Read more

Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is one of many volunteer-led partnerships that bring meaningful #Programs to the population and encourage positive changes for successful reentry.

The organization’s mission is to empower people to lead nonviolent lives through affirmation, respect for all, community building, cooperation, trust and conflict resolution skill building.

AVP workshops are hosted by a team of community volunteers and peer facilitators who find great growth and learning through this experience of working together to deliver the programming.

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Domesti-PUPS is a Lincoln-based organization that provides therapy dogs, service dogs, and obedience-trained rescue dogs.

Programs such as Domesti-Pups are pivotal to an individual’s rehabilitation and successful reentry to their communities. #Programs #TransformNebraskaRead more

The Midland University Coding Academy at Work Ethic Camp is transforming lives. These students are building skills and hope, creating personal websites and pathways to their future career! #MeaningfulWorkTrajectoriesRead more

Our #People are the foundation for everything we do, and we’re committed to investing in their growth and development. Shoutout to these NDCS leaders for successfully completing Leadership Academy! It’s inspiring to see their commitment to TRANSFORM Nebraska and their dedication to developing as leaders. #LeadershipRead more

Kairos Prison Ministry volunteers underwent training in preparation for their upcoming program at the Nebraska State Penitentiary. Huge thank you to all our volunteers that make programming such as these possible! #KairosPrisonMinistry #CommunityInvolvement #PrisonMinistryRead more

Thank you to Humanities Nebraska, and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment for hosting State Poet Jewel Rodgers at the Reception and Treatment Center! #CommunityInvolvementRead more

No matter the weather, our facilities still operate, and our team members are committed to keeping people safe.

Last week, poor road conditions caused Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) teammates and civilians to become stuck on Highway 50, several miles north of Syracuse. Sergeant Justin Dean braved poor road conditions and intense weather to assist those impacted by the weather and help TSCI teammates get to the facility safely.

Sergeant Dean exemplifies the mission of NDCS and is a shining example of leadership during trying circumstances. #People #NebraskaBlizzard #LeadershipRead more
