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NDCS Social Media Posts

This week, the Vera Institute of Justice is hosting the 4th annual Second Chance Pell Grant convening in Washington DC. More than 200 attendees from 26 states are attending, including NDCS deputy director Dawn-Renee Smith, program coordinator of the Metro Community College Second Chance Pell program Sharri Wirth and a participant of the program at Metro, Chris Vollman.

Great work is being done across the country to increase access to and quality of higher education in prisons. Metro Community College is a pilot site for the Second Chance Pell project, working with both incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people to...Read more

Sgt. McNichols received the Team Member of the Year award at the 2019 Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) Awards Ceremony. He’s been at the NDCS Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC) for five years.

“I was pretty surprised,” said McNichols. “I was just doing my job. Yes, it’s nice.”

McNichols was nominated for his performance as a team leader. He’s said to lead by supervising fairly, firmly and consistently and takes on an active role in learning new areas of LCC, participates in staff functions and takes on new responsibilities. He also volunteers to work overtime on a regular basis to assist...Read more

Congratulations to the 15 men were awarded certificates of completion for their participation and diligence to the Alpha program at the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC). Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over 11 weeks.

“I believe we are here because we want to change,” said graduate and small group leader Shawn Hutchison. “It doesn’t stop here.”

Each week, men meet in small groups and look at a different question focusing on faith. The program is designed to create positive conversation and openness.

As the men were presented their certificates, each shared their...Read more

The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) Pre-Service Class 719 graduated from the academy this week. NDCS welcomes them to our work family!Read more

Learning new skills, communication and building relationships are important parts of work at the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services. The Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC) held a Case Management Retreat for its unit teammates to focus on enhancing these skills.

The day-long event was spent learning at the Cornhusker State Industries Conference Room and also at Pioneers Park where the group conducted several team building exercises.

“Tony Cruz presented information on how to continue assisting the people living at the facility with a positive path throughout their time there,” said...Read more

Chuck Glenn dedicated 12 years of his life to the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS), six of those specifically to Lincoln Correctional Center. Learn why.

Watch video on the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services YouTube page HERE!

Watch video on Facebook HERE!

NDCS Teammates: This video is available for your viewing at Q:\General Information\Feature Videos for NDCS.

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Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW) hosted its first official RISE kickoff.

This moment in the class signifies a time when the women take ownership over their lives and focus on taking control of their future as they work to be positive contributors to their community.

#education #positiveprogrammingRead more
