In Case You Missed It!

In Case You Missed It!

NDCS Social Media Posts

These reentry specialists – Tyler Ladd, Trisha Larkin and Todd Rosenthal – are a few of the amazing teammates who are part of the Reentry team. Reentry specialists work directly with individuals upon intake and as they near release. They assist in developing a comprehensive reentry plan that addresses all the things needed when re-entering the community, such as housing, transportation, employment and mental health support.

Reentry is the work of the entire agency, from social workers to unit staff and medical professionals. A big shout out to all who support this important work!

Follow along in the coming weeks...Read more

For the last six weeks, we have been following Class 123 as they complete pre-service training, and yesterday was an extra special day for this cohort. They officially graduated from the Staff Training Academy and are ready to make a difference in their NDCS careers.

Congratulations and welcome to the team, Class 123!

#Class123 #NDCSEvents

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In honor of National Dentist's Day and Dental Assistant Recognition Week, we want to thank our team of dentists and dental assistants who play an integral role at NDCS. From routine maintenance and cleanings, to x-rays and restorative work our dental team is dedicated to NDCS's mission to keep people safe. #NationalDentistsDay #DentalAssistantsWeek

NDCS dental career paths:

**Disclaimer: Not all NDCS facility locations might have openings for this specific classification, check our website regularly for updates!

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Recruits in Class 123 closed out their final full week of pre-service training with time outdoors on the range. Under the guidance of training specialists, they learned safe firearms practices and honed their skills with hands-on training.

Here are just a few of the things that Keep People Safe at the range: eye and ear protection, safe rifle handling practices, clearly posted range rules and multiple training specialists on duty to model these skills and ensure the safety of those at the range.

These past six weeks have seen this class covering a lot of ground and building bonds with each other. With graduation...Read more

At NDCS, we're always looking for ways to recognize our top talent. Please congratulate Recreation Specialist Anthony Stewart for being selected as the Employee of the Month at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP).

Punctual, reliable and organized are just a few ways fellow teammates describe Stewart. In his role at NSP Stewart coordinates the organized sport leagues for the incarcerated population and has become well respected throughout the facility.

Thank you for your service and dedication to NDCS.Read more

Take a guess what these men at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) are building….

A Little Free Library!

In collaboration with Cornhusker State Industries and the Home Builders Institute (HBI), teammates and the population are working together to give back to the community through books. Teammates submitted designs, and men who are part of the HBI classes honed their carpentry skills through this project. HBI vocational programming is funded by a grant from the Nebraska Department of Labor.

Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that promotes neighborhood book exchanges, usually in...Read more

When members of the Veterans Club at the Work Ethic Camp (WEC) wanted to honor our country and those who have served, they initiated a project to install a flagpole on the WEC yard for the entire population to enjoy. The project was completed by a club member, and this week two members performed a flag dedication ceremony.

The club meets monthly with representatives from the McCook Legion Post 203. Thank you to the members of this group who have served our country. #BuildYourFuture

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Did you know that working in one of our facility kitchens can take your culinary career to the next level? You will help coordinate, train and manage the incarcerated population with preparing and serving food. Be a part of this rewarding career path, and apply today!

Click to Apply: Food Service Specialist Starting at $15.48/HR + $3/HR Diff = $18.48/HR + $2,000 Hiring Bonus! #NDCSjobs #applyforajob #stayforacareer

**Disclaimer: Not all NDCS facility locations might have openings for this specific classification, check our website regularly for updates!

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