In Case You Missed It!

In Case You Missed It!

NDCS Social Media Posts

Art has the ability to enrich not only the lives of those who make it, but those who experience it as well. For the artists creating it, it can help them relieve stress, express themselves, and give a sense of pride and purpose. Men at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) created these murals beautifying Housing Unit 6.Read more

One of many ways NDCS teammates are working to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 is by disinfecting transportation vehicles after each trip.

The NDCS safety coordinator offers some good reminders for cleaning your vehicles at work and at home.

Watch the video on our NDCS YouTube channel HERE.

#NECOVID19 #Clean #KeepPeopleSafeRead more

NDCS teammates are committed to doing quality work. As we continue to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, we do our part to wear masks, practice social distancing and sanitize surfaces. Keep up the good work everyone! #NECOVID19 #KeepPeopleSafe #ShareEmIfYouWearEmRead more

NDCS teammates are committed to doing quality work.

As we continue to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, we do our part to wear masks, practice social distancing and sanitize surfaces.

Keep up the good work everyone!

#NECOVID19 #KeepPeopleSafe #ShareEmIfYouWearEmRead more

Superman, Batman, Captain America and more comic book super heroes and their symbols can be seen on homemade masks throughout NDCS facilities and also on friendly faces in the community. Several teammates at NDCS facilities have fired up their personal sewing machines and are creating cloth masks for their co-workers, family, friends, and people in our community as well as in other cities. At the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW), three teammates there have made and donated nearly 300 masks to others in their spare time.

“This is a crazy time,” said Renee Mattox, certified master social worker. “I never...Read more

In honor of National Volunteer Appreciation Week, we’re highlighting Christian Heritage Full-Time Volunteer Clergy Rev. Jim Erwin. Erwin has been connected to the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2005. He was nominated by a NDCS teammate who requested his assistance to help support an incarcerated individual whose family member passed away.

“He was in his pajamas when I called him and he got here almost immediately. I was so grateful for his assistance that day and the inmate was extensively grateful for his being there to pray with her,” said the teammate.

Erwin describes his...Read more

Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week! NDCS is so grateful to the more than 1,200 volunteers who dedicate their time to enhance the lives of Nebraska's incarcerated population.

Below is a letter written by Inmate Porter Richard Laramee that talks about TSCI volunteer, Peter Matt, his achievements and how his time and guidance has impacted so many incarcerated people and NDCS staff in such a positive way.

#volunteer #VolunteerAppreciationWeek #ThankYou

*Note: This picture was taken before COVID-19 requirements were put in place.

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Workers in the Work Ethic Camp (WEC) kitchen recently completed a four-hour ServSafe Food Handler program, the second level of the National Restaurant Association Food Safety Program. Food Service Director Clarice Shields provided the men several opportunities throughout the year to complete the program facilitated by UNL Extension Educators Nancy Frecks and Andrea Nisley. Shields was impressed by all the hard work put in by everyone who signed up and took advantage of the opportunity to improve their skills, knowledge and personal growth, as well as enhancing food safety at the facility. The training includes not only food...Read more
