Women and NDCS teammates build rapport at retreat
Women and NDCS teammates build rapport at retreat
The second annual Water Walker’s Retreat was held at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW) and facilitated by Records Manager Devon Davis.
Warden Angela Folts-Oberle has been a huge supporter of the group due to its positive impact for resident and staff rapport. The women meet monthly for spiritual guidance and to help others continue to be up-lifted and encouraged. Several women came together to plan an itinerary that allowed open dialogue about women’s health care that was facilitated by Super Sergeant Nikkol Senff. Dance 2 Be Free program facilitators created dances that showed women empowerment and strength.
Throughout the gathering, tears were shed because of the intense emotional testimonies about the people they left behind and the reasons they came to NCCW.
This group continues to come up with tangible ways to serve the community in which they live and the community outside of the fences. The healing that took place seemed similar to what you'd find at an inspirational life coach seminar.
All speeches were made by the women living at NCCW.
Between the power of prayer and encouragement, NCCW had another successful retreat.