NDCS News Releases

NDCS News Releases


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

October 27, 2020 (Omaha, Neb.) – An inmate who discharged from the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC) on Monday, October 26, 2020 is back in custody. The Nebraska State Patrol arrested Amjad Almusa #211436 in Omaha this morning.

Almusa had a detainer, which would have required his transfer to the Norfolk Regional Center upon completion of his prison sentence. That detainer was overlooked and he left OCC yesterday morning.

Almusa started serving his sentence on April...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

October 26, 2020 (McCook, Neb.) – The Work Ethic Camp (WEC) in McCook, NE is on quarantine status, after an inmate tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). All other inmates will have the opportunity to test for the virus. Testing is voluntary.

“The inmate who tested positive has been medically isolated from other people. In addition, three staff members from WEC who received their positive results today are also self-isolating at home,” stated Scott R. Frakes,...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

October 26, 2020 (Omaha, Neb.) -- Authorities have been notified about an inmate who discharged from the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC) this morning, despite an order for civil commitment. The order required that Amjad Almusa #211436 be transferred to the Norfolk Regional Center upon completion of his sentence.

“Standard procedure is that an individual is held at the facility until the appropriate law enforcement agency assumes custody to fulfill the detainer or hold,”...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

October 25, 2020 (Lincoln, Neb.) – Today, Director Scott R. Frakes announced that four staff members with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) are positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). Two staff members are employed at the Work Ethic Camp (WEC). The other two staff members work at the Community Corrections Center – Lincoln (CCC-L) and the Community Corrections Center – Omaha (CCC-O), respectively. All four staff members are self-isolating at home.

...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

October 21, 2020 (Lincoln, Neb.) – Today, Director Scott R. Frakes announced that three staff members with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) are positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). The staff members are employed at the following locations: Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP), Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW) and the Central Office. All staff members are self-isolating at home.

Notification will be provided to those who live and work...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

October 21, 2020 (Lincoln, Neb.) – The Community Corrections Center-Lincoln (CCC-L) is under quarantine, after four inmates tested positive for COVID-19. All of the positive inmates lived in the same room. Staff members are engaged in contact tracing, to identify any other potential close contacts.

“During quarantine, inmates will have reduced movement across the facility, allowing us to limit any further potential transmission of the virus, while contact tracing is...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

October 19, 2020 (Lincoln, Neb.) – Director of the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) Scott R. Frakes announced today that an inmate in his 60’s died on October 18, 2020 at a hospital in Lincoln. The inmate tested positive for COVID-19 prior to entering the hospital three weeks ago. He also had multiple underlying health conditions.

For the privacy of the family as well as to maintain the confidentiality of the man’s medical records in accordance with...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

October 18, 2020 (Lincoln, Neb.) – Today, Director Scott R. Frakes announced that two staff members with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) are positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). Both staff members are employed at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP). Both staff members are self-isolating at home.

Notification will be provided to those who live and work in that location as to the positive cases. In addition, anyone who may have had close...Read more
