TSCI moving to new operational schedule

TSCI moving to new operational schedule


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

October 4, 2021 (Lincoln, Neb.) – The Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) will initiate the switch to a four-day operational schedule, which will go into effect Monday, October 18, 2021. Going forward, primary facility activities will take place Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

“This consolidated schedule will allow us to maximize staffing at TSCI during those four, 12-hour days,” said Dir. Frakes. “A similar schedule was implemented at the Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC) and the Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (DEC) about a month ago.”

Dir. Frakes noted that while not ideal, having a consistent schedule at those facilities over four days provided benefits for the staff and inmate population.

“It eliminated the need to cancel activities, visitation, recreation and other opportunities when staffing levels dropped below a safe threshold. We want to replicate the same operational schedule at TSCI. This will ensure appropriate staffing to keep the facility secure, as well as provide a consistent schedule for the inmate population.”

TSCI is one of four facilities currently under a declared staffing emergency.

“TSCI is unique in that it has always required staffing support from Omaha and Lincoln in order to operate,” said Dir. Frakes. “When you compound that with the overall challenge in staffing that is occurring across the state, it has additional impact on that facility.”
