SERVES Team holds first annual staff training

SERVES Team holds first annual staff training

The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) SERVES Team participated in the first annual Staff Empowerment and Resiliency/Victim Education and Support (SERVES) Team Operations Training April 17 through 19.
Twenty-fiveteam members, representing all NDCS facilities, gathered to train on the mission, goals and day-to-day operations of the SERVES Team. Because the team is diverse in experience (the range of service includes members who have been on the team from two weeks to 20 years) there was foundational training on the basics of peer support and victim advocacy, as well as more advanced training modules on suicide awareness and prevention, substance abuse and mental health awareness, domestic violence awareness and resources, understanding the NDCS criminal investigation process, trauma, resiliency and the importance of self-care for corrections professionals.
The goal of the training was to get team members together to discuss their roles, some of the challenges they face and to be able to start operating from the same paradigm regarding peer support and victim advocacy across the agency. In addition to the subject matter experts, they learned from each other about how to best perform the functions of their role.
If you are interested in joining the SERVES Team or, would like more information, please contact the Team Coordinator, Keri Wayne-Browne at (402) 479-5798 or at