NDCS News Releases

NDCS News Releases


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

February 14, 2021 (Omaha, Neb.) Fifty-nine inmates living at the Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility (NCYF) have been moved to the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC). Earlier today, it was noted that the boilers at NCYF were not operating at a level sufficient to fully heat the institution. Given the frigid outdoor temperatures, the decision was made to relocate inmates and staff members to OCC.

The inmates from NCYF are being housed in an area separate from other inmates...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

February 12, 2021 (McCook, Neb.) Today, Director Scott R. Frakes announced that the Work Ethic Camp (WEC) will be piloting a new program aimed at increasing quality of life and strengthening community connections through the use of technology.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, NDCS has increased the use of technology in order to continue meaningful programming opportunities,” said Director Frakes. “We are starting at WEC and will expand to other facilities over time.”

The...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

February 12, 2021 (Lincoln, Neb.) – Sondra Herring (45), a licensed practical nurse at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP), was arrested today by the Nebraska State Patrol for unauthorized communication with a prisoner (Neb. Rev. Stat. §83-417).

Herring has been employed by the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since March 2013. Unauthorized communication with a prisoner is a Class IV felony.

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CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

February 10, 2021 (Lincoln, Neb.) -- Authorities have been notified about an inmate missing from the Community Corrections Center-Lincoln (CCC-L). Davaughn Johnson #76406 had been at the center since August 2020 and had recently been granted parole pending completion of quarantine. The quarantine was in place due to a positive case of COVID-19 in the wing where he lived. There was no evidence of direct close contact.

Shortly before 2:00 p.m. today, staff were conducting a...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

February 10, 2021 (Lincoln, Neb.) – Casey Bartels, (28), a corporal at the Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC) was arrested by the Nebraska State Patrol on February 9, 2021 for unauthorized communication with a prisoner (Neb. Rev. Stat. §83-417).

Bartels has been employed by the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since October 26, 2020. That is the only facility where she has worked. Bartels resigned her position with the agency and was booked into the...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

February 8, 2021 (Lincoln, Neb.) – Xavier Palomares, (24), a corporal at the Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (DEC), was arrested by the Nebraska State Patrol on February 6, 2021 for unauthorized communication with a prisoner (Neb. Rev. Stat. §83-417) and the manufacture/distribution/delivery/dispense or possession of a controlled substance (Neb. Rev. Stat. §28-416). Both are felony offenses.

Palomares has been employed by the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services...Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

February 7, 2021 (Lincoln, Neb.) – Today, Director Scott R. Frakes announced that eight staff members with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) are positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). The staff members are employed at the following locations: Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (5), Nebraska State Penitentiary (1), Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (1), and the Community Corrections Center – Lincoln (1). All staff members are self-isolating at home....Read more


CONTACT Laura Strimple, Chief of Staff

OFFICE 402-479-5713 | laura.strimple@nebraska.gov

February 3, 2021 (Tecumseh, Neb.) – An inmate assaulted a staff member at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 resulting in a serious* injury.

The assault happened after the staff member stopped the inmate upon leaving the dining hall, and directed him to dispose of food contained inside a pocket. The inmate refused and punched the staff member repeatedly in the face. The attack continued, despite directives from another staff member to...Read more
