NDCS teammate assists with major financial gift to Lincoln families
NDCS teammate assists with major financial gift to Lincoln families
Cornhusker State Industries (CSI) Sales Representative Matt Zier has worked at NDCS for the last 23 years. He started out as an officer at the Nebraska State Penitentiary, promoted to corporal, sergeant, CSI laundry and now CSI sales. He has dedicated his career to helping others and is a part of the Lancaster Masonic Lodge #54 that is helping Lincoln families during a time of many uncertainties.
"This was a group effort to make this happen to support our community. As Master of our Lodge, I present the Lodge with opportunities to provide charitable relief. This particular donation was on my list for the year to address. My Lodge brothers determined the amount of charity to be offered during our meeting the first week of March. The amount the group determined to donate was one dollar more than the accumulative total of three of the most-in-need elementary schools in Lincoln," said Zier.
Zier noted he has had a lot of opportunities to participate in many events and changes within NDCS and enjoys his position.
"I enjoy the opportunities I have to present a positive perception of NDCS and our inmate population with the public and our customers," Zier said.
Read the full article here: Masonic Lodge pays meal debt for Lincoln elementary students