CJC Completes 18th Restorative Justice Class at TSCI
CJC Completes 18th Restorative Justice Class at TSCI
On June 26, The Community Justice Center (CJC) completed its 18th Tecumseh State Correctional Institution “Restorative Justice -Victims Impact/Empathy (Life Skills) Class." Seventy-nine percent of the class participants rated the class excellent with eighty-nine percent showing some level of empathy and/or insight in the effects their actions on their victims/community. Of the class two participants said: “It helped me to begin the process of understanding how I affected my victims. I got it, FINALLY, after 9 years an inkling of the gravity of harm I did", and "I see things 360 degrees now. There are a lot of people I hurt. My actions had a huge impact on so many people directly and indirectly.”