Circle of Concerned Lifers welcome speakers to NSP
Circle of Concerned Lifers welcome speakers to NSP
The Circle of Concerned Lifers group at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) listened intently as Frank LaMere, Kelly Grey Carlisle, and Greg Winship spoke from their hearts about their life stories and their own involvement with Restorative Justice on April 11.
When Winship, asked the group, “what is Restorative Justice?,” the group responded with, “accountability, reconciliation, restitution from the heart and repairing harm.” The evening ended with many resounding voices of thank you and applause for the panel members.
LaMere (Winnebago) is a lifelong activist for Native and human rights. He was instrumental in closing down the beer stores in Whiteclay, and he is noted as an advocate for children, especially Native American Children. Carlisle recently published “We Are All Shipwrecks,” a memoir of her life growing up with her grandfather and his wife after the murder of her mother when she was three weeks old. With an MA in Restorative Justice and 20 years of experience serving his own prison sentence, Winship leads programs in restorative justice in prison systems throughout Missouri and Kansas.