Prison Rape Elimination Act
Prison Rape Elimination Act
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was signed into law in 2003 and is intended to prevent, detect and respond to all occurrences and allegations of sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual harassment in confinement.
PREA calls for all prisons, jails, community confinement facilities and lock-ups to comply with national standards to eliminate all forms of sexual abuse in confinement. The federal PREA standards became effective August 20, 2012. More information about PREA can be found at
Nebraska Department of Correctional Services PREA Program
NDCS is committed to a zero tolerance standard for incidents of sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual harassment committed against inmates by other inmates or by staff, volunteers or contractors. Prevention of all forms of sexual abuse is a top priority.
An agency-level PREA Coordinator oversees, coordinates and monitors the development and implementation of the PREA program. NDCS falls under two sets of standards: Adult Prisons/Jails and Community Confinement. Every facility has a designated PREA compliance manager, responsible for overseeing PREA implementation in his/her facility. Each facility undergoes a PREA audit once every three years, conducted by an auditor certified by the U.S. Department of Justice.
How to Report Incidents of Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment
Call the PREA reporting hotline: 855-623-7360
Submit a PREA Incident Reporting Form: PREA Incident Reporting Form
PREA Investigations
All PREA allegations are reviewed and assigned for investigation. Staff members throughout the agency have received specialized training to conduct investigations regarding allegations of sexual abuse and harassment in confinement.
NDCS law-enforcement-certified investigators also receive specialized training to conduct investigations regarding sexual assault in confinement. NDCS works closely with the Nebraska State Patrol in investigating criminal allegations and incidents.
The possible outcomes of PREA investigations are:
Substantiated: The allegation was investigated and determined to have occurred
Unsubstantiated: The allegation was investigated and there was insufficient evidence to make a final determination as to whether or not the event occurred
Unfounded: The allegation was investigated and determined not to have occurred