A domestic violence program focused on developing new thinking in the development of relationships.
Addresses domestic violence referrals
This program helps participants maintain and strengthen the gains they made in other treatment programs. It also helps participants navigate new challenges and helps support the transition back to a community setting.
Needs Addressed: Sex Offender conviction
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment that helps participants develop mindfulness-based coping skills to decrease suicidal and self-harming behaviors.
Needs Addressed: Mental Health
Drug and alcohol treatment that is on the treatment continuum beneath residential.
Needs addressed: Substance abuse
Provides general, individual therapy.
Need addressed: Mental Health.
A support group for people who experience substance abuse relapse until they can enter their recommended level of treatment.
Need addressed: drug/alcohol
Treatment services for individuals who would benefit from some treatment in order to achieve sobriety without needing a higher level of treatment. It is also beneficial for continued support as a step down from residential treatment.
Needs addressed: Drugs and Alcohol Abuse.
Developed by FranklinCovey in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Corrections, 7 Habits on the Inside uses the principles of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, tailored for the incarcerated individual. The program seeks to empower individuals to manage their own lives in such a way as to be successful in prison and in the community and using the principles of integrity, proactivity, and other key skills. (12 weeks)
Needs Addressed: Attitudes/Behavior; Family; Employment; Life Skills
The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a workshop that provides insight on anger and relationships; and new ways to address disagreements.
Needs Addressed: Attitudes, behavior, family, friends, employment
A gender responsive trauma informed care program created to provide tools to move beyond the cycle of addiction an abuse, become self-confident, self controlled, self-directed and self-empowered.
Need addressed: Attitude/behavior
MRT is an evidence-based, cognitive behavioral intervention which leads to enhanced moral reasoning, better decision making and more appropriate behavior.
Needs addressed: Attitudes, behavior.
This program increases a participant's understanding of the harm/damages they caused their victims, communities and themselves. The program also provides an important life skill module that teaches how to become emotionally proficient, which translates into better decision making and reduced conflicts.
Needs Addressed: Attitudes; behavior, Life skills.
Thinking for a Change is a high-level cognitive behavioral program developed by the National Institute of Corrections. The program uses role playing to concentrate on changing the criminogenic thinking of offenders.
Needs addressed: Attitudes; behavior; family; friends; aggression.
Builds basic skills for GED testing, college readiness and/or skill development.
Need Addressed: Education
Assists students prepare for taking the high school equivalency test (GED).
Addresses Need Area: Education
Opportunity to pursue college coursework through individual and family support.
Need addressed: Education, employment.
English as a second language (ESL) provides individuals with literacy support before Adult Basic Education
Needs addressed: Education; life skills
NDCS operates its own school district with a high school. Students of all ages may attend high school classes. Individuals under 22 who have not graduated from high school are required to be in school. Students over 22 need to go through an application process.
Need addressed: Education.
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is an organization which encourages members to read, and listen at meetings using the program as an opportunity to face the truth and become accountable for their addiction to alcohol.
Need Addressed: Support for addiction and prosocial activity
A support group for incarcerated individuals working on restorative justice.
Needs addressed: Support; pro-social/outside interest.
A variety of activities that encourage health pastimes are offered at all facilities. Please check with recreational specialists for more information.
Needs addressed: Pro-social/outside interest; health.
Social workers provide assistance in obtaining and completing Social Security applications to individuals who qualify and are 90 days from discharge, post-release supervision or parole.
Need addressed: Re-entry for those who may qualify for Social Security benefits due to age or disability.
Reentry specialists work with individuals to ensure a reentry plan is completed. The plan allows for a smooth transition to the community and focuses on housing, transportation, employment, education, and medical/mental health services as needed.
Need addressed: Re-entry
The program is designed to build confidence and accountability, resiliency, problem solving skills for reentry success and personal growth.
Need area addressed: employment, reentry
Clients develop comprehensive reentry plans that include housing/transitional living, employment/education, transportation, ID credentials, medical/mental and behavioral health treatment.
Need addressed: Reentry.
Designed to increase knowledge of sex offender registration laws, how to avoid registration violations and prepare for release with registration laws in mind.
Need addressed: reentry
Community based inmates and NDCS Social Workers can work with Vocational Rehabilitation to prepare for reentry
Need addressed: Reentry
See clinical programs list for more details.
Provided on an as-needed basis, clinicians are available to assist individuals in a mental health crisis.
Needs Addressed: Mental health.
Licensed, clinical therapists provide one-on-one or group therapy sessions as needed.
Need addressed: mental health
Risk Assessments and Psychological Evaluations provide diagnosis clarification, intelligence testing and Dementia screening.
Need addressed: Mental Health; education.
On-call Skilled Nursing Facilities manage crises dealing with medical emergencies, behavioral issues and suicide watches.
Needs addressed: Health and mental health.
Transition Services are available to those transitioning to or from general population or protective management. Mental Health professionals may assists with these services.
Need Addressed: Mental Health
Social workers coordinate with a variety of community providers and agencies for mental health services, substance abuse treatment and medical services. Providers include the Veteran's Administration, DHHS, treatment agencies, private practice and non-profit organizations.
Needs Addressed: Housing, medical, mental health, basic needs, re-entry.
Social workers assist individuals with high medical/mental health needs to find clothing resources, apply for benefits or general assistance and other life needs.
Needs addressed: Social work services.
Social workers assist individuals with high medical needs to set appointments for medication management, healthcare and provide resources to obtain medical insurance upon release:
Needs addressed: Health, mental health, life skills, re-entry.
Social workers provide assistance to individuals with high medical/mental health needs to obtain transitional living, assisted living or skilled nursing care, as needed.
Needs addressed: Re-entry
Specialized Population Served offers services for inmates with mental illness or serious chronic medical conditions that are high risk and multi-needs.
Needs addressed: Health; mental health
Introduces concepts of basic electrical wiring, presented by classroom instruction, along with hands-on experience by working with virtual electrical panels.
Need addressed: Employment
This program provides learning in the area of construction math such as division, decimals/percentages, reading measurements, calculating area, linear measures, angles, volume, solving for the unknown.
Need Addressed: Employment
Provides training in welding safety, basic welding information and welding defects. Will give participants the tools to make welding corrections.
Need addressed: Employment
This program provides an overview of safety applications on a construction site as well as training on governmental regulations.
Need Addressed: Employment
This program introduces basic construction safety; construction math, hand tools, power tools, construction drawing, rigging; communication skills; employability skills, and material handling.
Need addressed: Employment
This course provides entry-level information about employee rights; employer responsibilities; how to file a complaint; how to identify and prevent job related hazards.
Need Addressed: Employment
ABC Currently offers accelerated or four year trade courses in electrical, plumbing, welding, HVAC and carpentry. Selected candidates for this program will be interested in the trade as a career. Trainees will work with journeymen and will receive help with finding employment in the industry.
Needs addressed: Employment
Helps individuals identify a specific career path; learn professional and personal skills to assist them in getting a job.
Need addressed: Employment
Certificate program utilizing tablets for improvement in academics and job training.
Need addressed: Education. employment
Helps participants develop a resume, prepare for interviews and work on job skills.
Need area addressed: Employment
Provides parents with techniques that will aid them in building good family relationships, prevent and correct misbehavior, use consequences to improve behavior, teach self-control, and staying calm.
Need addressed life skills/parenting
This program, delivered by a wellness expert, provides workshops on preventative health education and nutrition, such as Men's Birth Control; Date Abuse; Bullying; Gender Boxes; and Hygiene.
Need addressed: Health.
Provides opportunity for those with no prior experience in manufacturing to receive training.
Need addressed: Employment
Helps people find competitive jobs that are based on the person's preferences and abilities, developing resumes, completing job applications, preparing for interviews.
Need addressed: employment
Inmate support is provided inside NDCS facilities by Mental Health Association peers trained in Intentional Peer Support.
Needs addressed: Support
Provides ongoing community based support services to participants including advocating and supporting participants who want to find housing; referral and assistance obtaining other community services.
Needs addressed: support and life skills
Discusses deescalation; decision making and consequences; how trauma impacts; and how to overcome negative ways of dealing with stressful situations and crises. Need addressed: Life skills.
Workshop to learn how to creat and stick to a budger, understand and manage credit, and build savings realistically.
Need addressed: Life skills
Teaches and discusses career planning, program determination, scholarship information, registering for classes/training, financial aid/funding information, conducting assessments, creation of educational plans, and assists students with community resources referrals.
Needs addressed: Education, employment
Measures/certifies skills needed for job success. Used by employers, educators and others to provide evidence that job seekers have the skills employers are looking for.
Need addressed: Vocational Life skills
Teaches a variety of occupational skills including typing, computer training, customer service training, business telephone etiquette, and microsoft office software training.
Need addressed: Vocational/Lifeskills
The TRADE Program teaches conflict resolution; critical thinking; communication; personal finance; healthy relationships; basic computer; job preparation.
Needs Addressed: Life skills; employment.
Teaches OSHA safety practices for forklift operations and OSHA safety practices for general certification of operations of both the YALE and Drexler forklifts.
Need addressed: employment
Teaches general knowledge of welding skills and techniques specific to MIG welding.
Need addressed: employment
A team of peer ambassadors who assist incarcerated individuals with questions regarding reentry and resources available upon reentry.
Need addressed: Life skills
Provides assistance for RISE students who wish to complete the program started in a secure facility.
Need addressed: vocational/life skills
Provides case management to RISE graduates at the facility including job support, housing support, reentry support.
Needs addressed: Reentry,
The UNL Couple and Family Resource Center provides psychotherapy for individuals, couples, and families. Some programs have a cost.
Need addressed: family/parenting
A skills based program with tools to help participants interact in a more enriching, and satisfying way with others in their lives.
Need addressed: Life skills