Honor Guard travels to Missouri

Honor Guard travels to Missouri

Last week, six NDCS Honor Guard members made the trip to Saint Louis, Missouri, to attend the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation (CPOF) Project 2000 Memorial Ceremony. NDCS and 27 other teams from across the United States and Canada united together to honor six correctional professionals who lost their lives in the line of duty.

This year NDCS Honor Guard Commander Jill Edelman spoke at the CPOF Project 2000 Memorial Banquet to share an incredible story and present a $15,000 check that will go towards the three remaining CPOF lifetime memberships for NDCS facilities. The NDCS Honor Guard team also accepted a lifetime membership plaque for the Community Corrections Center - Lincoln (CCC-L), in memory of Corporal Austin Howard.

The Honor Guard team has dedicated many hours towards fundraising and achieved their goal to earn lifetime memberships for all nine NDCS facilities. Way to go team!  #TeammateTuesday