Pro-Social Activities

Pro-Social Activities

Pro-social activities, such as a veteran's club or Alcoholics Anonymous, provide an opportunity for individuals to connect with each other and community members in positive ways during their incarceration. 

Programsort descending Description
7th Step

7th Step is a self-betterment club which discusses and works on issues of interest such as drug use, family , anger, and other things that hold attendees back from their best selves. 

 Need Addressed:  Support

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is an organization which encourages members to read, and listen at meetings using the program as an opportunity to face the truth and become accountable for their addiction to alcohol.

Need Addressed:  Support for addiction and prosocial activity

Art Class

On a monthly basis, NCYF's art class allows inmates to express their feelings and emotions through art. A theme is given and art supplies are provided.

Need addressed:  Pro-social

Book Club

Participants select a book to read, and come together weekly with Omaha Public Library to discuss the book and how it relates to real life situations.

Charles Drew Health Center Health Class

There are a  variety of workshops including birth control, nutrition, date abuse, bullying, gender boxes, hygiene.

Need addressed prosocial and health.

Circle of Concerned Lifers

This club is organized and operated by a group of individuals serving lengthy or life sentences, with the focus on mentoring others and lowering recidivism. The club's goals and activities encourage a purposeful life and promote a healthier culture within the facility. 

Death Dying and Trauma

Exploring attitudes toward death, finding meaning in loss and death, the impact of trauma, how to have a good death and life, how to be with others who are dying/grieving.

Flexibility Yoga

High intensity, peer facilitated yoga workout intended to build strength, flexibility, and mental focus.

Need addressed:  Pro-social and health

Habitat For Humanity

Volunteer work in the community building homes for families in need.

Need addressed:  Pro-social activity

Harambee African Cultural Organization (HACO)

This self-betterment club provides an opportunity to explore the root of the African American culture and heritage, including the past, present and future.

Need addressed:  Outside interest, pro-social activity

Incentive Program

A program designed to help inmates develop skills in sanitation, personal hygiene, citizenship, work, education, and behavior.  An inmate who meets the established criteria may earn rewards for levels of achievement.

Needs addressed:  Life skills; attitudes; behavior.

Inmate Council

Provides the opportunity for inmate representatives to have input into things which improve facility quality of life.

Needs addressed: Pro-social activity and outside interest.

Intentional Peer Support

This program allows individuals with similar life experiences to walk along side each other in supportive relationships.

Needs addressed: Attitudes/Behavior; Prosocial Activities

K-9 Foster Care Program

A program that partners with the Humane Society to care and provide routine training for dogs who will be adopted.

Need Addressed:  Pro-Social Activity


Lessons teach a skill that takes discipline and persistence.

Need addressed:  Pro-social/outside interest.

KORU Mindfulness Meditation

Focuses on self-awareness and relaxation techniques incorporating beginning yoga and deep breathing to help calm the body, mind, spirit.

Needs addressed:  Attitudes/behavior.

Lifer's Club


Addresses issues about incarcerated life and prison reform that participants are interested in or want to work on.

Need addressed:  Outside interest.

MATA Club (Mexican Awareness Through Association)

Participants in this club learn about the religious, cultural aspects, arts, customs, crafts, language, and the heritage of the Hispanic people.

Needs addressed:  Outside interest and support.

Mentoring Program

Incarcerated individuals are partnered with a community mentor where they are given advice and do an activity together on a weekly basis. The mentors assist in preparing them for their roles as productive citizens in the areas of jobs, housing, family and values.

Need addressed:  Pro-social; support; life skills


Provides participants with tools needed to become men of integrity, courage, accountability and honor so they can live peaceful and productive lives.

Need addressed:  Attitudes/behavior

My Recovery Song Journal

 A Restrictive Housing program exploring substance abuse recovery with music by expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas.  

Addressed need:  drug/alcohol, outside interest

Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous encourages its members to attend meetings, read and listen to speakers to face the truth and be accountable for their addictions.

Need addressed:  Drug addiction support; pro-social/outside interest.

Native Americans Spiritual and Cultural Awareness Group (NASCA)

NASCA is designed to help Native Americans express their uniqueness of cultural and spiritual practices. Participants are given the chance to learn how to sing, pray and dance from a Native perspective.

Needs address:  Pro-social/outside interest and support.

New Freedom

Gang intervention and desistance program.  

Needs addressed:  Attitudes/Behavior, Aggression, friends

On the Inside

Provides weekly newsletters with creative thinking prompts that allow for inmates to respond and then receive feedback.  

Need addressed:  Prosocial activity


Prison Fellowship

Provides faith based speakers and mentoring to incarcerated individuals.

Needs addressed:  Prosocial/Outside Interest, support.

Psychology of Incarceration

Peer facilitated program which explores the seven criminogenic need domains as they relate to self-imposed limitations, one's thoughts, values, feelings and choices.

Reading Selections and Thoughtful Responses

Reading selections which explore topics of self-betterment and pro-social growth; accompanied by a series of thought provoking questions aimed at assisting in reading comprehension, retention and practical application of learned skills.  

Needs addressed:  Attitudes/behavior

Released and Restored EMPOWERED

Provides tools and support to live a productive, moral, ethical and legal life after release.

Need addressed:  Attitude/Behavior, reentry

Religious Classses and activities

Variety of classes, workshops and religious services designed to help inmates with support and spiritual development.

Needs addressed:  Pro-social, support.

Restorative Circle

A support group for incarcerated individuals working on restorative justice.

Needs addressed:  Support; pro-social/outside interest.

Sports/Recreation Activities

A variety of activities that encourage health pastimes are offered at all facilities. Please check with recreational specialists for more information.

Needs addressed:  Pro-social/outside interest; health.

Standing Together on Purpose (S.T.O.P.)

Standing Together on Purpose ( S.T.O.P.) is a multi-cultural club that teaches about the heritage and legacy of American people. S.T.O.P. aims to further promote the cultural construction of stable bridges for effective communication between all people.

Needs addressed:  Pro-social; outside interest.

Survivors Club

A community service club that provides an opportunity for involvement in activities that positively impact the facility.


Need addressed:  Pro-social activity


Toastmasters empowers people to improve communication and leadership skills, find the courage to change, achieve their full potential, and realize their dreams.

Needs addressed:  Pro-social; outside interest; attitude; behavior.

Veteran's Club

The Veteran's Group aims to assist all veterans and honorary members, including veterans of the United States of America and its Allies Forces in addition to their dependents and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans. The group provides opportunities for veterans to find employment upon release.

Need Addressed:  Employment


This is a spiritually based, inmate facilitated group discussion.

Needs addressed:  Pro-social/outside interest; support

WEC Sowers

This program is designed to teach about how to plant, care for and grow plants.  Additionally participants learn how to increase the population of monarch butterflies through planting.

Needs addressed:  Pro-social/outside interest.

WRAP Mental Health Wellness group

A support and mental health awareness group. 

Needs:  Support

Writers Block

Offers participants therapeutic skills through writing. 

Need addressed:  Outside Interest